Book Your Cosmetic Minor Procedure

Details About Your Cyst 
Cysts commonly develop from a blocked pore or oil gland and appear as a bump underneath the skin.

A capsule or outer shell develops over time which walls off the cyst from surrounding tissues. Elective excision must involve removal of the capsule to lower risk of recurrence.

These types of cysts are commonly referred to as sebaceous or epidermal cysts.

Unless a sebaceous cyst is inflamed (red and painful), drainage is not performed since the cyst will recur unless the capsule is also removed.

If you have a ganglion cyst (a different type of cyst that commonly develops around joints -- e.g. wrist, top of foot, finger joints) or pilonidal cyst (around the buttocks or tailbone region), please do not book elective removal through this site.

Please indicate the size and location of your sebaceous cyst to find out further information including the price range for cosmetic removal:

Please indicate the size and location of your cyst to find out further information including the price range for cosmetic removal:

Smaller than 1cm
Between 1-2cm
Larger than 2cm

Smaller than 1cm
Between 1-2cm
Larger than 2cm

Scalp and Neck
Smaller than 1cm
Scalp and Neck
Between 1-2cm
Scalp and Neck
Larger than 2cm